Be Persistent

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.46>> Be Persistent, Modern life can make you soft. The status quo may become comfortably familiar. You can actually begin to believe that you are doing all that you can, or that doing more isn't worth the effort. Challenge yourself. You must start the positive momentum in your life and then you've got to stick with it day to day.
You don't need someone else to tell you not to smoke. If today, you smoked a pack, tomorrow smoke 18. The next day, 17. Improve. If you haven't read a book recently, read one. If you don't exercise, take a walk around the block. If you're shy, say to five new people: "Good morning!"
You know yourself. You know what improvement you need. You don't need anyone to tell you not to jump from a fifty-story building, so why would you need someone to tell you not to do drugs, to exercise more, eat a sensible diet, talk to your kids, or compliment your employees? You know what to do.
Keep going. No one can say that you failed until you do. Keep taking small steps forward your goal. Challenge the you who is content with yesterday's accomplishments. Take a deep breath. Changes that last a lifetime begin in a moment. With persistence, only time stands between you and your goal.

Admit Your Weaknesses

Dr. Ron Jenson - Author of "Make a Life, Not just a Living".

Admit Your Weaknesses, Admit shortcomings to yourself, to others (in the appropriate context), and to God as you know him. Just learn to admit them. Denial exacerbates the problem.
Everyone develops what I call a "box" sense of maturity. We believe that if we live according to a certain socially acceptable "box," then we are accepted and can rise in position or respectability. All of us have certain peer groups that establish the limits of acceptable and unacceptable dres and behavior. Those limits put us in a box. When we measure ourselves against this "box," our focus becomes our external lifestyle, not our internal growth. Consequently, we stop addressing or even being aware of our weaknesses.
I remember once sitting down with a friend who was struggling with worry. I said to him, "What's your greatest problem?" He said, "Money."
I looked at him and laughed. I said, "You're kidding."
"No. Why do you say I'm kidding?"
"In my view, money's not your biggest problem."
"Then what is my biggest problem?"
"It's worry."
He paled. This man worked with a group of people who didn't think worry was acceptable behavior. He said, rather frantically, "Worry? I don't worry. You're wrong. You've got to be wrong!"
"Everybody knows you worry," I said. "Your wife knows you worry. I know you worry. Anyone who meets you for five minutes knows you worry. Your stomach knows you worry. You have an ulcer. Of course you worry! What you need to hear is that it's okay - yes, okay to worry. You're not a bad person because you worry. You just don't realize that you don't need to worry."
It's okay to be impatient sometimes. It's okay if we say things we shouldn't say sometimes. I'm not glad to be full of flaws. But I recognize - and so should you - that everyone is struggling with something, and it's okay to admin it. In fact, the first principle in growth is to say, "I am helpless. I really mean am weak and I need help."
Most of us are great con artists. We pretend to be someone we're really not, and we end up playing a game all our lives. Paul Tournier said, "We can conceal our persons behind a protective barrier. We let it be seen only through the bars. We display certain of its aspects. Others we carefully hide."

Be Disciplined, Not Lazy

Dr. Ron Jenson - Author of "Make a Life, Not just a Living".

Be Disciplined, Not Lazy, We begin to make things happen when we become disciplined. We don't accomplish anything in this life without self-discipline. Richard Shelley Taylor, in his book "The Disciplined Life", defines self-discipline this way: "The ability to regulate conduct by principle and judgment rather than impulse, desire, high pressure, or social custom." You see, discipline is the ability to consciously control your circumstances. It is the ability to control your life - to put first things first.
Now here's a question for you. Are there habits in your life that were acceptable when you were a child but aren't acceptable now? Are you still struggling with giving in to impulse?
Everyone struggles with one or more of three areas: pride, sensualism, and greed. Pride, which has its place, is unhealthy when it is stimulated by self-absorption. Sensualism is being preoccupied with sensual fulfillment - food, sex, sound, thrill-seeking. (Many commercials and advertisements today are geared toward sensualism.) Greed involves people just wanting more for more's sake, or being covetous, that is, wanting what belongs to someone else. This creates a generation of people who live on plastic. They are preoccupied with their credit cards and can't stop spending.
I can relate to pride, sensualism, and greed. Yet my major point of struggle is in the area of the senses. Whether the struggle involves not wanting to exercise or wanting to eat too much or watching too much TV, it all centers on sensual gratification.
Consider your own life: What do you really desire? What makes you salivate the quickest? For me it's donuts. I like donuts. There was a place near my home in Philadelphia called the Donuttery. Whenever I go within a mile of the Donuttery, I visualized a hot cinnamon roll with butter cascading down the sides. I could smell it. I could see it. I could taste it. And like Pavlov's dog, I started to salivate and even froth just thinking about that cinnamon rol. In a very real sense, I was looking for a sensual gratification - and the words of Richard Shelley Taylor burned in my gut: "Self-discipline is basically the ability to subordinate."
If you're going to become a person who makes things happen - if you really want to be a difference-maker - then you need to become disciplined. You need to put a coach, a governor over your thoughts and actions. You need to become patterned in your life.

Develop Your Special Talent

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.45>> Develop Your Special Talent, You were born with a special talent. It may be to sing, write, teach, paint, mentor, preach, defend or befriend. You have something special to offer the world, something you can do better than 10,000 others. You must keep learning and trying new things to find your special talent. The world needs your gift. Be aware that even a special talent can go stale if you don't keep using and honing it. Endeavor to keep your talents and all your skills up to date.
An advantage isn't an advantage unless you use it. Find ways to use your advantages to set and reach your goals. Likewise, you should recognize and then try to minimize the impact of your limitations. Remember that not all advantages are transferable. Just because you are talented in one area doesn't mean that you will be talented at everything you try. The successful real estate investor can easily lose her money opening a restaurant. Stick to your advantages and don't stray from them without reasoned justification.

Christmas in Philippines

Christmas in Philippines

Christmas countdown, Let's celebrate together with our loveones and feel the goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Love is the most precious gift that we can give to everybody. Merry Christmas to all!

Be Prudent

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.44>> Be Prudent, Just because you deserve victory doesn't mean that you will win every fight, game or argument. Someone else may have the tactical advantage. Have the self-confidence to know when not to fight. Perhaps the smartest course of action is to retreat and reflect upon your options. Can you return to the challenge on another day better equipped, more experienced and stronger?
The non-action of the wise man is not inaction. It is not studied. It is not shaken by anything. The heart of the wise man is tranquil. It is the mirror of heaven and earth... emptiness, stillness and tranquility. Wise men don't fight each other.

Bring excellence to life

Ralph Marston - Author of The Daily Motivator.

Bring excellence to life, You cannot achieve excellence just by proclaiming it to be. Excellence is built in the details.
Attend faithfully and competently to the details, while staying true to your purpose. That is how to bring excellence into your world.
What is done with genuine love is done with excellence. Let love guide you in each moment, and you will consistently create excellence.
Excellence resonates with what is true, what is good and authentically valuable, with what is right. Work with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to truth, and excellence will permeate the results.
Intention is critical, yet excellence does not come from good intentions alone. Excellence comes from actions persistently and consistently guided by the highest and most authentic intentions.
In each thing you do is the opportunity to create excellence. Again and again, bring excellence to life, and live true to your highest purpose.

Solving Money Problems Makes You Smarter

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

Solving Money Problems Makes You Smarter, When I was a young boy, rich dad said to me, "Money problems make you smarter... if you solve the problem." He also said, "If you solve your money problem, your financial intelligence grows. When your financial intelligence grows, you become richer. If you do not solve your money problem, that problem often grows into more problems." If you want to increase your financial intelligence, you need to be a problem solver. If you don't solve your money problems you will never be rich. In fact, you will become poorer the longer the problem persists.
Rich Dad used the example of having a toothache to illustrate what he meant by a problem leading to other problems. He said, "Having a money problem is like having a toothache. If you do not handle the toothache, the toothache makes you feel bad. If you feel bad, you may not do well at work because you are irritable. Not fixing the toothache can lead to further medical complications because it is easy for germs to breed and spread from your mouth. One day you lose your job because you have been missing work due to your chronic illness. Without a job, you cannot pay your rent. If you fail to solve the problem of rent money, you are on the street, homeless, in poor health, eating out of garbage cans, and you still have the toothache."

Demonstrate Your Love

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.43>> Demonstrate Your Love, From the Bible, we learn that love is patient and kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. It is responsibility and a willingness to work out problems.
Love is too wonderful and too powerful to be kept bottled up. Let it out with your smiles, your voice, your manner, your enthusiasm and your continuing acts of kindness. For love, you can risk being vulnerable.
When you find love, cherish and safeguard it. A loving marriage and family is worth all your efforts.

Is There an End to the Storm?

Harold J. Sala - A well-known speaker

Is There an End to the Storm, Tough times pass, but tough people - those who are focused on what God says about our lives - endure.
Such a man was the prophet Jeremiah. His beloved country, Israel, was about to be overthrown by Babylon. Jeremiah had to announce this prophecy, a message that was denounced as "unpatriotic and traitorous."
Yes Jeremiah looked beyond the external events and heard the voice of God. Yes, Israel would go into captivity for seventy years. But God promised restoration. "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11).
So certain was Jeremiah that God would keep His word, that he bought a piece of property that lay in default, burying the title deed in a jar so that when the troubles had passed, he could come back and claim the property (see Jeremiah 32).
Your life may seem like a catastrophe, but the story is not yet finished. You can lean on God and say, "I trust You Lord, so please walk with me today."

Christmas in our hearts

Christmas in our hearts - Jose Mari Chan

Christmas countdown, Christmas is a very special moment to all of us. Loveones who are working abroad make sure that they could go home to celebrate and be with their families. It is the spirit of Christmas that bind our hearts together.

What You Believe Makes a Difference

Harold J. Sala - A well-known speaker

What You Believe Makes a Difference, Unlike employers who make promises and don't keep them, or friends who forget what they tell you, God is never remiss on coming through with what He says He will do. Our faith in Him is founded on His character. Because people fail us, we often bring God down to their level, wondering if He really can be trusted as well. We forget the times when He has met us in the past.
Your earthly father may not be trustworthy, but your heavenly Father is. The Bible puts it pointedly: "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"
(Numbers 23:19) And the obvious answer is, "No!"
The Quaker scholar David Elton Trueblood put it well when he said, "Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation." Believing is important, but trusting is what brings the promises into our lives and our families. Real faith includes both.

Solving Other People's Financial Problems

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

Solving Other People's Financial Problems, Rich dad also said, "Many people work for rich people, solving rich people's money problems." For example, an accountant goes to work to count the rich person's money. The salesperson sells the rich person's products. The office manager manages the rich person's business. The secretary answers the rich person's phones and treats the rich person's customers respectfully. The maintenance man keeps the rich person's building and machines running smoothly. A lawyer protects the rich person from other lawyers and lawsuits. A CPA protects the rich person's money from taxes. And the banker keeps the rich person's money safe.
What rich dad was getting at was that most people work at solving other people's money problems. But who solves the worker's money problems? Most people go home and are faced with many problems, money being one of them. If a person fails to handle his or her money problems at home, the problem, like a toothache, leads to other problems.
Many of the poor and middle class work for the rich and then fail to solve their own money problems at home. Instead of looking at financial problems as opportunities to get smarter, they go home, sit in the lawn chair, have a drink, put a steak on the grill, and watch TV. The next morning, they return to work once again solving someone else's problems and making someone else richer.

Practice Forgiveness

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.42>> Practice Forgiveness, Anger, hatred, bitterness, resentments and thoughts of revenge are heavy weights that slow a person down. Allowed to fester, these negative feelings can consume increasingly larger portions of your life. LIberate yourself. Let it go. The forgiving person is always stronger. Be like the rock in the stream and let the thoughts of revenge flow by you.
As a person of action, improving yourself and helping others, you will make lots of mistakes. You will do foolish things. Learn the lesson.
You practice forgiveness for yourself. Consider those whom you may have offended or injured and ask for their forgiveness. Can you say, "I'm sorry and I apologize if I offended you."? If you ask and your request is rejected, you have lightened your burden in trying. Continue to encourage efforts at reconciliation.

How Knowing God should Change Your Life

Harold J. Sala - A well-known speaker

How Knowing God should Change Your Life, On the streets of Manila, dirty, brash, young entrepreneurs - called cigarette boys - dash between the cars, jeepneys, and buses. They compete with each other in selling cigarettes, candies, and gums. One such boy was struck by a vehicle and the contents of his display board were scattered on the pavement. In a moment, a man stepped quickly from the crowd of onlookers, helped the boy to his feet, and began to pick up the fallen wares.
Somewhat dazed and not sure what to say, the boy looked intently at the man's face and blurted out, "Is you Jesus?"
When your neighbors and friends look at your lfe, what do they see? When God touches your life, something should rub off: the mark of the Divine. God's attributes should be evident in the lives of His children.
The image of the Father should, in some way, be reflected in the countenance of the son.
Making the Gospel attractive isn't accomplished by making it easy but by making it desirable and authentic.

God is Never Late

Harold J. Sala - A well-known speaker

God is Never Late, God is precisely on time. His timing, however, is different from ours. He is bound neither by time nor space.
Have you learned that it is impossible to fully understand God's timing in our lives? D. Martin Lloyd-Jones wrote: "He may sometimes do the opposite of what we anticipate ... Yet it is a fundamental principle in the life and walk of faith that we must always be prepared for the unexpected when we are dealing with God."
God looks at life from a different perspective. He's the timekeeper, and when we think He is late, He's apt to show up, and then learn our time is in His hands.
When it looked like Jesus was late in arriving, He showed up and raised His friend Lazarus from the dead.
God is neither early nor late, He's exactly on time!

Quitters Rarely Win

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

Quitters Rarely Win, There is a young man who worked for me a few years ago. He was very bright, charming, had his MBA, and earned a lot of money. In his spare time, he and his wife tried many business ventures. They tried real estate, and failed. They bought her a small franchise, and failed. Then they bought a nursing home, and nearly lost everything when patients died unexpectedly. Today, both are back at work with high-paying jobs, but an unsettling feeling of inadequacy.
The reason I mention this young couple is because they failed to learn. They let the learning process beat them. When the going got tough, they quit. While it's commendable that they tried new ventures, they stopped when their problems seemed too big to be solved. They failed to push through their failure and learn from their mistakes. They failed to realize that the process, not the money, made them rich.
One of the toughest lessons I had to learn from my rich dad was to stick with the process until I won. When I ran into trouble at Xerox because I could not sell, I wanted to quit. Because I could not sell, I was not making money. In fact, it was costing me more to live in Honolulu than I was earning. Rich dad said, "You can quit when you win, but never quit because you're losing." Not until 1978, after becoming the number one salesperson for Xerox, did I quit. The process had made me richer, both mentally and financially. By overcoming my problem of not being able to sell, I was able to overcome my problem of not making money.
While working at Xerox I started my nylon wallet business in my spare time. In 1978, I went full-time into my wallet business. The business took off, and then failed. Again, I wanted to quit; and again, rich dad reminded me that the process is more important than the goal. Many times he reminded me, while I was deeply in debt, without much money, that if and when I solved this problem, I would never need money again. I would know how to build a business, and I would be a little more financially intelligent. But first I had to solve the problem in front of me.

Valuable Experience

Ralph Marston - Author of The Daily Motivator.

Valuable Experience, You are filled with valuable experience. The things you've done and learned and seen and lived through have left behind a unique and powerful substance of experience that is yours alone.
What a shame it would be for all that to go to waste. It is yours to make use of, yours to build upon, and yours from which to grow.
By making this present moment count, you also make all the past moments count even more. You cannot live in the past, yet you can continue to draw upon the value you created there.
Right now, you can benefit greatly from the things you've already done, whatever they may have been. By tapping into the value of experience and doing something positive and productive with it, you extend and expand upon that value.
Use this day to invest your wealth of experience into effective action. That investment will immediately begin to pay dividends.
Take action, and let your valuable experience guide that action. Get value from the past and use it in the present to create an outstanding future.

Practice Forgiveness

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.42>> Practice Forgiveness, Anger, hatred, bitterness, resentments and thoughts of revenge are heavy weights that slow a person down. Allowed to fester, these negative feelings can consume increasingly larger portions of your life. Liberate yourself. Let it go. The forgiving person is always stronger. Be like the rock in the stream and let the thoughts of revenge flow by you.
As a person of action, improving yourself and helping others, you will make lots of mistakes. You will do foolish things. Learn the lesson.
You practice forgiveness for yourself. Consider those whom you may have offended or injured and ask for their forgiveness. Can you say, "I'm sorry and I apologize if I offended you."? If you ask and your request is rejected, you have lightened your burden in trying. Continue to encourage efforts at reconciliation.

Show Loyalty

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.41>> Show Loyalty, Be a stand-up person. You stand for your family, country and friends. When and if trouble comes, let others have no doubt that they can count on you for help and support. Your commitments don't waver with the moods of the moment.
You don't hesitate to act.
At work, you build customer loyalty by concentrating on service with an attitude clear to everyone that customer retention is very important to you. You don't run a business solely dependent on finding new customers.
You are consistent, devoted, faithful and true. You stand for your beliefs and values. You aren't afraid to pledge allegiance to what is right. This is loyalty.

World-Class Filipino Talent

Filipino Billiard Expert - Alex Pagulayan.

Alex Pagulayan, a Filipno-Canadian professional pocket billiards (pool) player. His nicknames are "The Lion" and "The Killer Pixie". He was born in Cabagan, Isabela, Philippines and was raised in Toronto, Canada. He is known for his relaxed demeanor during competition, and is a crowd favorite, well liked because of his comedic interaction with the audience.
Pagulayan also has expertise in the pocket billiards game of snooker, and his capabilities enabled his Philippines team to win the Snooker Gold Medal at the 2005 SEA Games (held in Manila, Philippines) with teammates Joven Alba and Leonardo Andam. After the team's 3-2 win against Thailand at the Makati Coliseum, Pagulayan emerged as a triple Gold Medalist.

How to love your body

Bo Sanchez - Spiritual preacher and Motivational speaker.

1st part

2nd part

3rd part

4th and last part

Ralph Marston - Energy boost, If you wanted to raise your level of energy, what would you think about?
What would you say, how would you act, how would you carry yourself, and what things would you focus upon?
Imagine being filled with so much positive energy that it overflows into the world around you. Think about exactly how that would make you feel.
Would you like to boost your energy level right now? You have everything necessary to do exactly that.
For in any and every moment, your energy level depends on the choices you make. The way you think and act and speak and feel all contribute to that amount of energy you have to work with.
A beautiful, genuine smile, for example, puts you at a much higher energy level than an angry scowl. Focusing on your highest vision gives you greater energy than filling your mind with worry, judgment and envy.
Your energy level is up to you, and you can always utilize that energy to do great things. Give yourself a positive energy boost now, and again and again, the delight in the rewards of a life well lived.

The Cause of Poverty

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

The Cause of Poverty, Poverty is simply having more problems than solutions. Poverty is caused by a person's being overwhelmed by problems he or she can't solve. Not all causes of poverty are financial problems. They can be problems like drug addiction, marrying the wrong person, living in a crime-ridden neighborhood, not having job skills, not having transportation to get to work, or not being able to afford health care.
Some of today's financial problems, such as excessive debt and low wages, are caused by circumstances beyond an individual's ability to solve, problems that have more to do with our government and a smoke-and-mirrors economy.
For example, one of the causes of low wages is high-paying manufacturing jobs moving overseas. Today there are plenty of jobs, but they are in the service sector, not manufacturing. When I was a kid, General Motors was the nation's largest employer. Today Wal-Mart is the nation's biggest employer. We all know that Wal-Mart isn't known for its high-paying jobs - or its generous pensions.
Fifty years ago, it was possible for a person without much education to do well financially. Even if you had only a high school degree, a young person could get a relatively high-paying job manufacturing cars or steel. Today, it's manufacturing burgers.
Fift years ago, the manufacturing companies provided health care and retirement benefits. Today, millions of workers are earning less, while at the same time needing more money to cover their own medical expenses and save enough for retirement. Every day these financial problems are not solved, they grow bigger. And they stem from a larger national problem that is beyond the power of the individual to change or solve. They stem from poor economic policies and cronyism.

Pinoy Self-Help Investing No.10

Story of my Investing Adventures - Brilliant Reader

Pinoy Self-help Investing No.10, Karugtong ng kwento ko tungkol sa freelance website developer na nakilala ko at nirefer para gumawa ng website sa kaibigan kong importer ng mga sasakyan galing sa Japan, ngayon tapos na ang function testing at approved na yung website. Final turn-over na lang nung website at by that time matatanggap ko na yung referral fee ko. Pagkatapos nito, yung isa namang kakilala ko na nagm-manage ng apartment for rent sa Makati ang next Client para sa website development. On-going ang requirements gathering sa ngayon.
Maliban dito sa website development, Habang nagttrabaho ako sa Japan, naghahanap pa rin ako ng income-generating task na kaya ko gawin. Tulad na lang nung July 2009, may nakilala ako sa internet forums na nagpa-translate ng website niya from English to Japanese. Dahil marunong naman ako magsulat at magbasa ng Japanese, isang araw lang nagawa ko agad at nakatanggap ako ng 5,000 yen para dun sa task na iyon. Kasunod nito, meron uli akong nakilalang may online grocery sa Japan na pinaayos yung design ng website nya. Dahil marunong naman ako magdesign at edit ng mga website header at background, pinag-aralan ko kung paano gamitin yung web designer na ginagamit nila. Unang ginawa ko ay yung header design, nung natapos ko nakatanggap agad ako ng 10,000 yen. Sinunod ko naman ay ang pagpapaganda ng website background, ginawa kong simple at maaliwalas sa mga site visitors na nagvi-visit nung site. Nagustuhan naman ng kakilala ko kaya binigyan uli ako ng 10,000 yen para sa pag-ayos ng website background. Naisip ko na hindi pala ganon kahirap magkaron ng extra-income, basta gagamitin mo lang kung ano yung gift o talent na binigay sayo. Katulad nga ng madalas ko naririnig mula sa mga popular na author at nababasa mga sinulat nilang libro, kung ano ang talent na meron ka at masaya kang ginagawa mo ito ay wag kang mag-atubili na pagyamanin. Bakit mo gagawin ang mga bagay na alam mong hindi ka masaya at hindi iyon ang talagang nakatakda para sayo? Madaling matutunan kung sa madali dahil ang lahat naman ay napag-aaralan. Pero kung ang pinag-aaralan mo naman ay hindi mo gusto, wala rin halaga ito.
Lahat tayo may mga kanya-kanyang gustong marating sa buhay. Ang iba sa atin ay halos iisa ang gusto sa buhay at iba naman ay may mga pangarap na kung iisipin mo parang hindi na kaya ng abutin. Masarap ang mangarap. Tayo ang makakapagsabi kung ano ba talaga ang gusto natin sa buhay. Pero hindi ibig sabihin na nangangarap nga tayo pero wala naman tayong ginagawa para maabot iyon. Hindi sapat na sasabihin natin, may pangarap tayo at pinapaubaya na lang natin sa panginoon kung ano ang mga mangyayari. Kung may pangarap tayo, dapat sinusukat natin kung gaano katagal, ano ang mga kailangan na paghahanda ang gagawin para maabot natin iyon at pagdarasal sa panginoon para gabayan tayo na maging tama ang mga desisyon at naayon sa plano natin ang kagustuhan nya. Kadalasan nagiging frustration sa atin ang mga bagay na pinangarap natin pero hindi naman natutupad. Bakit nangyayari ang mga ganitong sitwasyon? Ginusto natin pero hindi naman natin natanggap? Yan ang mga bagay na dapat lagi natin kino-consider at pag-aralan tanggapin. Ang mga pangarap natin ay siyang daan para sa masayang kinabukasan, ngunit kung ito naman ay hindi naayon sa plano ng ating panginoon ay hindi rin natin makakamtan. Nakakapag-isip tayo at nakakaramdam kung ano ba talaga ang gusto natin pero kung titignan natin ang pinaka-purpose bakit tayo ngayon andito sa mundo ay hindi natin magawang bigyan ng linaw.
Lagi ko nga naririnig sa mga magulang ko noong bata pa ako, "Kilos lang tao at nandiyan ang panginoon nakaalalay sayo". Maraming katanungan at iba't ibang opinyon pero bawat isa sa atin may kanya-kanyang pang-unawa at pakahulugan kung bakit tayo ngayon nandito sa mundo. Walang tamang sagot at wala rin mali. Kung ano ang tingin mo tama para sayo, posibleng mali sa iba. Kung ano ang mali sa iba ay posibleng tama para sayo.
Hindi masama ang mangarap. Nabuksan ang isip ko para gawin ang lahat ng makakaya ko na mabigyan ng katuparan ang mga pangarap ko mula ng magbasa ako ng mga libro tungkol sa "personal growth" at "financial literacy". Mula noon, narealize ko na hindi pala tayo sumabay lang sa kung ano ang agos nang buhay. Hindi tayo dapat nakapattern sa kung ano ang mga nakasanayan at pamamaraan ng mga ninuno natin. Maaring may mga pamamaraan silang magiging epektibo pa rin hanggang sa ngayon, ngunit marami rin ang mga lumang pamamaraan na kung titignan natin wala nang silbi sa kasalukuyan. Katulad na lang ng kasabihan, "mas mabuti pa ang mahirap kesa mayaman", "mas masarap ang mamuhay ng simple lang at tama lang makakain at tustusan ang pag-aaral ng mga anak", at marami pang iba. Sa isang banda may punto ngunit bakit natin lilimitahan ang sarili natin sa mga ganitong paniniwala? Ano ang nagiging ugat nang karahasan kung tama lang na matustusan ang pag-aaral ng mga anak at makakain sa isang araw ngunit paano kung may dumating na hindi inaasahang sakuna? Saan tayo kukuha ng panggastos para sa Ospital? Paano kung bigla tayo nawalan ng trabaho at walang aasahan na tutulong? Yan ang mga kadalasan nagiging problema natin sa buhay.
Sa lahat ng mga napagdaanan ko mula pagkabata, malaki ang mga naging aral sa akin ng kahirapan. Natuto akong mag-isip ng mga pamamaraan kung paano ako magkaron ng extra-income. Ginamit ko ang passion ko sa pakikipag-coordinate hindi lamang sa trabaho kundi sa pakikipag-coordinate sa mga naging kaibigan kong may mga negosyo. Pinag-aaralan ko kung ano yung mga naging best practices nila at kung ano ang mga sikreto kung bakit sila matagumpay sa mga negosyo na kasalukuyang pinapatakbo nila. Hindi masamang maging makulit para lang matuto. Lagi ko iniisip, hindi naman sila nag-umpisang matagumpay sa buhay kaya bakit ako mahihiya? Hindi sila naging matagumpay ng hindi dumaan sa mga pagsubok at pagkalugi ng negosyo kaya bakit ako mahihiya? Ang lahat ng mga failures sa buhay ay may kapalit na tagumpay. At sa tuwing babalikan mo ang sitwasyon na kung saan ka nag-fail ay alam mo na kung ano ang mga epektibong paraan para malampasan ang mga ito. Gawin lang natin at pagyamanin kung ano ang mga talentong binigay sa atin bilang daan tungo sa tagumpay ng kinabukasan. (Continuation: Pinoy Self-help Investing No.11)

Helping someone

Drew - Listening to God

Brilliant Reader - Living Your Life, Sometimes you will meet people who needs your help in unexpected circumstances. You wanna give something what you have but often ignore that feeling. Then, one day you get to realize that if you do something in response to that very moment, it will result a sense of fulfillment with extra-ordinary and profound meaning. Try to do something no matter how small it is, the most important is you share the goodness that is in store for you.

Become Grateful

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.40>> Become Grateful, Life isn't exactly the way you want it to be. You will have your ups and downs and crosses to bear. You will have opportunities to practice holding your tongue and exercising patience. Yet, because you are focused on the larger picture, you will be able to keep everyday events in perspective.
Be grateful for all you have. Acknowledge and accept compliments. In the larger scheme of things, you may wish to be grateful for good health, a supportive spouse, a rewarding profession, obedient, healthy children, conscientious employees, prosperity, religious faith, loyal friends and even winning sports teams. You add and choose. Why not write letters to people in your life who have made a difference and thank them? You will both feel good.
When you can look forward and be thankful, you can help others do the same. Hold the burning candle from which others can light their candles.
Embrace gratitude.

Learn from Others

Bo Sanchez - Spiritual preacher and Motivational speaker.

Ralph Marston - Beyond what is comfortable, Progress is made by doing what you have not done before. To truly grow stronger, you must step beyond what is comfortable and familiar.
Just outside your door is a whole wonderful world of new possibilities. And with those new possibilities come new and difficult challenges.
Go ahead, and have he courage to open that door and step outside your comfort zone. For though the challenges are many, the rewards are move valuable than you can imagine.
You are designed and equipped and intended for great things. You are flexible and adaptable and creative and intelligent enough to successfully handle whatever you encounter.
Beyond the comfort of what you already know, you'll find the wonder and magnificence of all you can become. Go explore and fulfill the very best possibilities.

Living Your Life - Vic Sotto

Vic Sotto - Building his legacy

Brilliant Reader - Living Your Life, Behind your daily life challenges, success or failures, opportunities, dreams and every circumstances you've encountered, there is always an inner purpose which you usually taken forgranted. Life is not just to fulfill all your needs to survive. It is far from doing what you think is right. It is profoundly created to fulfill what God's purpose in your Life.

Every Goal Has a Process

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

Every Goal Has a Process, As we all know, every worthwhile goal has a process and takes work. For example, to become a medical doctor there is a rigorous process of education and training. Many people dream of becoming a doctor, but the process gets in their way.
One of the reasons people lack financial IQ on "making more money", is because they want the money but not the process. What many people do not realize is that it's the process that makes them rich, not the money. One of the reasons many lottery winners or kids who inherit family wealth are soon broke is because they received the money, but didn't have to go through the process. Many other people fail to become rich because they value a steady paycheck more than the learning process of becoming financially smarter and richer. They are held back by the fear of being poor. It is this very fear that keeps them from taking the chances and solving the problems required to become rich.
We are All Different, and have different strengths and weaknesses. We all have different processes, different challenges, and different problems. Some people are natural salespeople. I wasn't. My first problem was my inability to overcome my fear of selling and the terror of being rejected. Some people are natural-born entrepreneurs. I wasn't. I had to learn to be an entrepreneur.
I make this point because I'm not saying you need to learn to sell, or that you need to learn to be an entrepreneur. That was my process. It may not be yours. The first step to increasing your financial IQ on "making more money", is to decide what the best way for you to make money is. If it's to become a medical doctor, get ready for medical school. If it's to become a pro golfer, start putting. In other words, choose your goal, and then choose your process. Always remember that the process is more important than the goal.

Develop Your Sense of Humor

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.39>> Develop Your Sense of Humor, In all areas of life, a quick wit, a hearty laugh, a smile and a warm sense of humor are appreciated. To be a good joke teller, tell jokes often. Practice. Model your delivery after comedians you admire and funny friends. Start a joke file.
Always be absolutely sure that your material is clean and non-offensive. Stick to a universally funny subject - you. Most of the best humor is self-deprecating. That is, you have to learn to laugh at yourself. On your road to success, there will be many stumbles and fumbles, providing many opportunities for you to turn the unexpected into stress-reducing laughter. Don't sweat the small stuff. Laugh about it. Be affable. Humor will add to your attractiveness.

Positive Mental Attitude

Napoleon Hill - An American Author.

Napoleon Hill was an American Author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time. Hill's works examined the power of personal beliefs, and the role they play in personal success. "What the mind man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" is one of Hill's Hallmark expressions. How achievement actually occurs, and a formula for it that puts success in reach for the average person, were the focal points of Hill's books.

How to Break the Worry Habit

Norman Vincent Peale - Inspirational writer of a generation

How to Break the Worry Habit, You do not need to be a victim of worry. Reduced to its simplest form, what is worry? It is simply an unhealthy and destructive mental habit. You were not born with the worry habit. You acquired it. And because you can change any habit and any acquired attitude, you can cast worry from your mind. Since aggressive, direct action is essential in the elimination process, there is just one proper time to begin an effective attack on worry, and that is now. So let us start breaking your worry habit at once.
Why should we take the worry problem this seriously? The reason is clearly stated by Dr. Smiley Blanton, eminent psychiatrist, "Anxiety is the great modern plague."
A famous psychologist asserts that "fear is the most disintegrating enemy of human personality," and a prominent physician declares that "worry is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases." Another physician tells us that thousands of people are ill because of "dammed-up anxiety." These sufferers have been unable to expel their anxieties which have turned inward on the personality, causing many forms of ill-health. The destructive quality of worry is indicated by the fact that the word itself is derived from an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning "to choke." If someone were to put his fingers around your throat and press hard, cutting off the flow of vital power, it would be a dramatic demonstration of what you do to yourself by long-held and habitual worry.
We are told that worry is not infrequently a factor in arthritis. Physicians who have analyzed the causes of this prevalent disease assert that the following factors, at least some of them, are nearly always present in arthritic cases: financial disaster, frustration, tension, apprehension, loneliness, grief, long-held ill will, and habitual worry.
A clinic staff is said to have made a study of one hundred seventy-six American executives of the average age of forty-four years and discovered that one half had high blood pressure, heart disease, or ulcers. It was notable in every case of those thus afflicted that worry was a prominent factor.
The worrier, so it seems, is not likely to live as long as the person who learns to overcome his worries. The Rotarian magazine carried an article entitled "How Long Can You Live?" The author says that the waistline is the measure of your life line. The article also declares that if you want to live long, observe the following rules: (1) Keep calm. (2) Go to church. (3) Eliminate worry.
A survey shows that church members live longer than non-church members. Married people, according to the article, live longer than single people. Perhaps this is because a married couple can divide the worry. When you are single, you have to do it all alone.
A scientific expert on length of life made a study of some 450 people who lived to be one hundred years of age. He found that these people lived long and contented lives for the following reasons: (1) They kept busy. (2) They used moderation in all things. (3) They ate lightly and simply. (4) They got a great deal of fun out of life. (5) They were early to bed and early up. (6) They were free from worry and fear, especially fear of death. (7) They had serene minds and faith in God.
Haven't you often heard a person say, "I am almost sick with worry," and then add with a laugh, "But I guess worry never really makes you ill." But that is where he is wrong. Worry can make you ill.
Dr. George W. Crile, famous American surgeon, said, "We fear not only in our minds but in our hearts, brains, and viscera, that whatever the cause of fear and worry, the effect can always be noted in the cells, tissues, and organs of the body."
But do not be discouraged, for you can overcome your worries.
There is a remedy that will bring you sure relief. It can help you break the worry habit. And the first step to take in breaking it is simply to believe that you can. Whatever you believe you can do, you can do, with God's help.
Here, then, is a practical procedure which will help to eliminate abnormal worry from your experience.
Practice emptying the mind daily. This should be done preferably before retiring at night to avoid the retention by the consciousness of worries while you sleep. During sleep, thoughts tend to sink more deeply into the subconscious. The last five minutes before going to sleep are of extraordinary importance, for in that brief period the mind is most receptive to suggestion. It tends to absorb the last ideas that are entertained in waking consciousness.

Poor Solutions to Money Problems

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

Poor Solutions to Money Problems, Learning at an early age that we all have money problems, no matter how rich or how poor we are, was a very important lesson for me. Many people believe that if they had a lot of money, their money problems would be over. LIttle do they know that having lots of money just causes even more money problems.
One of my favorite commercials is for a financial services company and starts with the rapper MC Hammer dancing with beautiful women, a Bentley and a Ferrari and a grossly oversized mansion behind him. In the background, high-end specialty goods are being moved into the mansion. MC Hammer's one-hit wonder, "U Can't Touch This", is playing as all this is happening. Then the screen goes black and displays the words "15 minutes later." The next scene is MC Hammer sitting on a curb in front of the same ridiculous mansion, his head in his hands, next to a sign that reads "FORECLOSED." The announcer says, "Life comes at you fast. We're here to help".
The world is full of MC Hammers. We all have heard of lottery winners who win millions and then are deeply in debt a few years later. Or the young professional athlete who lives in a mansion while he is playing and then lives under a bridge once his playing days are over. Or the young rock star who is a multimillionaire in his twenties and looking for a job in his thirties. (Or the rapper who is peddling financial services that he was probably already using when he lost his money.)
Money alone does not solve your money problems. That is why giving poor people money does not solve their money problems. In many cases, it only prolongs the problem and creates more poor people. Take for instance the idea of welfare. From the time of the Great Depression until 1996, the government guaranteed money to the nation's poor regardless of personal circumstance. All you had to do was qualify for the poverty requirements to receive a government check - perpetually. If you showed initiative, got a job, and earned more than the poverty requirement, the government cut off your benefits. Of course, the poor then had other costs associated with working that they didn't have before, such as uniforms, child care, transportation, etc. In many cases they ended up with less money than before they had a job, and less time. The system benefited those who were lazy and punished those who showed initiative. The system created more poor people.
Hard work doesn't solve money problems. The world is filled with hardworking people who have no money to show for it, hardworking people who earn money, yet grow deeper in debt, needing to work even harder for even more money.
Education does not solve money problems. The world is filled with highly educated poor people. They're called socialists.
A job does not solve money problems. For many people, the letters J.O.B stand for just over broke. There are millions who earn just enough to survive but cannot afford to live. Many people with jobs cannot afford their own home, adequate health care, education, or even set aside enough money for retirement.

Appreciate Your Appeal

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.38>> Appreciate Your Appeal, Students will want to learn from you, bosses to promote you, banks to lend you money and customers to buy your products or services.
Your allure will be your genuine selflessness in wanting to help them to achieve their objective, whether it is to become a black belt or buy a car. By not trying to be a sales person, but a true customer service person, you will make more sales.
Charisma isn't painted on the outside. It comes from the inside. Be honest. Be yourself. Adopt this attitude and you will be liked by many - immediately.

Power of Your Love

Song of Praise to the Lord.

Power of Your Love.
Lord I come to you.
Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace, That I found in You.
And Lord, I've come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Well be stripped away
By the Power of Your Love..
Hold me close,
Let your Love surround me
Bring me near,
Draw me to Your side.
And As I wait
I'll rise up like the Eagle
And I will soar with you
Your spirit leads me on
By the Power of Your Love..
Lord unveil my eyes,
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love
as You live in me.
Lord renew my mind
as Your will unfolds, in my life
in living everyday
By the Power of Your Love..
Repeat Chorus

Pinoy Self-Help Investing No.9

Story of my Investing Adventures - Brilliant Reader

Pinoy Self-help Investing No.9, Saan ko naman kinukuha yung perang ginagamit ko para sa paghuhulog ng mga investments? Well, syempre ang pinaka-main source ko ay yung current job ko. Nung time na nakita kong medyo kaya na ng sweldo ko maglaan ng halaga para sa mga investments, dun ako nag-umpisang kumuha ng mga properties. Pero hindi ibig sabihin na dahil may trabaho ako eh dun lang ako umaasa para sa paghuhulog ng mga investments ko.
Marami na rin akong mga sinubukan na extra-income generating side business. Andyan na yung kumuha ako ng small unit of studio apartment sa Taguig, katabi lang ng unit na nirerentahan ko. Kinausap ko yung landlord kung pwede ko ba i-lease sa kanya yung unit at lalagyan ko ng mga gamit like double deck bed, table and chairs, refrigerator at television. Nung na-furnish ko yung unit, gumastos din ako ng around Php 22,000 lahat na ng gamit na nabili ko. Nag-advertise agad ako sa internet at in less than an hour eh marami na kaagad nag-email sa akin para magpa-schedule ng visit dun sa unit. Good location kasi yung nakuha ko kasi center sya and accessible between makati and fort bonifacio. Maraming nagkagusto kunin yung unit at within a week lang din may tenant na akong nakuha. Sa ngayon, nabawi ko na yung capital na ginamit ko and yung tenant ay mahigit 1 year na dun sa unit. Sa ganong paraan, nag-ggenerate na ako ng extra-income.
Hindi lang dun natatapos yung mga ventures ko, naisip ko din na ang passion ko talaga ay more on coordination. Sa trabaho ko kasi madalas ako yung nagiging project coordinator or team lead between Client at programmers. Natutunan ko kung paano makitungo sa mga Clients at kung paano kunin yung loob nila sa mga meetings or social gathering. At ang isa pa, mahilig ako makipagkilala sa mga businessmen or entrepreneur. Kasi sila ang nagiging inspirasyon ko sa investment ventures ko. Hindi ako nahihiyang magtanong sa kanila kung may mga questions ako about investing strategies. March 1, 2009 may nakasabay sa bus nung papunta ako sa Japan dormitory for my 6 months project assignment. Nakipagkwentuhan ako at nalaman ko na nag-iimport pala sila ng mga trucks, vans and other vehicles from Japan to Philippines. Nagpakilala ako na IT professional ako at nagkataon na naghahanap din sila ng website developer para sa business nila. Dahil IT ang line of profession ko, nagpresenta ako na maghanap ng freelance web developer para gumawa ng website nila. So, nagresearch ako sa internet ng mga freelance developer. Awa naman ng diyos, may nakilala akong gumagawa talaga ng website at nakita ko yung portfolio nila. Sa ngayon complete na yung website development at nag-undergo na ng function testing. Kapag natapos na lahat at running na yung website ay saka ko naman matatanggap yung referral fee ko.
Kung iisipin natin, maraming paraan para gumawa ng extra-income. Nasa initiative lang natin at courage na rin na i-implement kung ano yung idea na naiisip natin. May nabasa nga akong book na yung kwento nya ay tungkol sa pagkakaiba ng mga daga at ordinaryong tao. Hinahanap nila yung happiness or comfort zone nila sa isang maze. Yung mga daga flexible sa paghahanap ng cheeze sa loob ng maze at alam nila na anytime pwedeng maubos yung mga nakikita nilang cheeze sa bawat station ng maze. Yung ordinaryong tao naman, once nakita na nila yung cheeze sa isang station ng maze, dun na sila nag-stay at di na nila iniisip na posibleng maubos yun. Kumbaga dun na sila nag-stay sa kung saan komportable na yung buhay nila. Tapos nung time na nawala na yung cheeze pagbalik nila dun sa station, ang ginawa nung mga daga eh nag-ikot ulit sa ibang sulok ng maze, at yung mga ordinaryong tao naman ay desperate sa pag-investigate kung paanong nangyaring nawala yung mga cheeze. Di nila matanggap na ubos na at naghihintay sila na bumalik yung dating dami ng cheeze na nakita nila dun sa station na yun. Hindi makapag-move on sa mga possible changes na hindi inaasahan. Dahil dun, imbes na gumawa ng paraan na maghanap ng panibagong source ng cheeze sa ibang sulok ng maze, mas nagfocus sila sa pag-analyze kung saan napunta yung mga cheeze. Sa madaling salita, madalas ginagawang kumplikado ng tao yung mga bagay na simple lang ang solusyon. Katulad ng ginawa ng mga daga, nung nakita nilang wala na yung mga cheeze dahil nga ubos na eh naghanap na agad sila sa ibang sulok ng maze kung saan meron na naman source ng cheeze. Ang importanteng lesson na naitatak sa isip ko nung nabasa ko yung librong yun ay yung maging flexible at matutong umayon sa mga pagbabago. At ang isa pang importanteng pakahulugan para sa akin, dapat wag tayo masyadong magrely na kung ano meron tayo ngayon ay hindi magbabago at isang araw mag-iiba ang sitwasyon. Kung ano yung nakikita nating feedback ng sitwasyon, mapaliit man o malaki yan dapat tignan natin kung ano yung gusto iparating para mapaghandaan kung anuman yung posibleng mangyari. Ang ginawa kong keyword of reminder para sa akin sa lesson na itong napulot ko ay "Who moved my comfort zone?". (Continuation: Pinoy Self-help Investing No.10)

Expand your business idea!

Go Negosyo Big Time!

Go Negosyo. Advocacy founded by Jose Ma. Concepcion III (RMF Corp.) >> Audio Visual Presentation by Go Negosyo, Passion. Perseverance. Research. - It's a proven formula of success. When you are planning to venture a business, discover and follow your passion. Do it without point of reference but on your own unique way.

Act As You Feel

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.37 >> Act As You Feel, When you feel in the mood to do something, this is the best time to do it.
If you feel happy, smile.
If you feel daring, act.
If you receive good service, compliment.
If you feel energetic, do something positive.
If you know a good joke, tell it.
If you feel generous, give.
If you are interested in becoming wealthy, save and invest.
If someone needs help, lend them your strong hands or soft voice.
If you give your word, keep it.
If you want to make things better, vote.

Give a little Love and God will multiply it.

Bo Sanchez - Spiritual preacher and Motivational speaker.

Ralph Marston - With Love, In what you do, whatever it is, do it with love and joy. Make each moment precious by appreciating the value that is surely there.
Give your best attitude and expectations to those around you. Brighten every place you go.
Life is filled with outstanding possibilities. In every situation there is a great value.
Continually celebrate the good fortune of being alive and aware and able to make difference. Go forward carrying the assumption that life is filled with goodness, and events will prove that assumptions to be true.
Live with love and genuine appreciation for all that is around you. Give your own unique meaning to the abundance in which you're immersed.
With love, see the true, magnificent value of what you have this day. With love, make it even greater.

What Is Financial Intelligence?

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

What Is Financial Intelligence?, When I was five years old, I was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. As I understand it, I had a serious infection in my ears, a complication from chicken pox. Althouth it was a frighening experience, I have a cherished memory of my dad, my younger brother, and my two sisters standing on the lawn outside the hospital window waving to me as I lay in bed recovering. My mom was not there. She was at home, bedridden, struggling with a weak heart.
Within a year, my younger brother was taken to the hospital after falling from a ledge in the garage and landing on his head. My younger sister was next. She needed an operation on her knee. And the youngest, my sister Beth, a newborn baby, had a servere skin disorder that continually baffled the doctors.
It was a tough year for my dad, and he was the only one out of six not to succumb to a medical challenge. The good news is that we all recovered and lived healthy lives. The bad news was the medical bills that kept coming. My father may not have become ill that year, but he did contract a crippling malady - overwhelming medical debt.
At the time, my dad was a graduate student at the University of Hawaii. He was brilliant in school, receiving his bachelor's degree in just two years, and had dreams of one day becoming a college professor. Now with a family of six, a mortgage, and high medical bills to pay, he let go of his dream and took a job as an assistant superintendent of schools in the little town of Hilo, on the Big Island of Hawaii. Just so he could afford to move our family from one island to another he had to get a loan from his own father. It was a tough time for him and for our family.
Although he did achieve tremendous professional success and was finally awarded his doctorate degree, I suspect not realizing his dream of becoming a college professor haunteed my father until his dying days. He often said, "When you kids are out of the house, I'm going back to school and doing what I love - teaching."
Instead of teach, however, he eventually became the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii, an administrative post, and then ran for lieutenant governor and lost. At the age of fifty, he was suddenly unemployed. Soon after the election, my mom suddenly died at the age of forty-eight due to her weak heart. My father never recovered from that loss.
Once again, money problems piled up. Without a job, he decided to withdraw his retirement savings, and invested in a national ice-cream franchise. He lost all his money.
As he grew older my father felt he was left behind by his peers; his life's career was over. Without his job as the head of education, his identity was gone. He grew angrier at his rich classmates who had gone into business, rather than education as he did. Lashing out, he often said, "I dedicated my life to educating the children of Hawaii, and what do I get? Nothing. My fat-cat classmates get richer, and what do I get? Nothing."
I will never know why he did not go back to the university to teach. I believe it was because he was trying very hard to become rich quickly and to make up for lost time. He wound up chasing flakey deals and hanging out with fast-talking conmen. none of his get-rich-quick ventures succeeded.
If not for a few odds jobs and Social Security, he might have had to move in with one of the kids. A few months before he died of cancer at the age of seventy-two, my father pulled me close to his bedside and apologized for not having much to leave his children. Holding his hand, I put my head on his hand and we cried together.

Pinoy Self-Help Investing No.8

Story of my Investing Adventures - Brilliant Reader

Pinoy Self-help Investing No.8, Sa unang taon na hinuhulugan ko yung mga investments na kinuha ko, smooth naman ang pagbabayad ko ng monthly downpayment para dun sa dalawang lote ko sa Bulacan at monthly amortization naman sa Condo unit na nakuha ko sa McKinley Hills, Fort Bonifacio.
Pero may mga panahon na di mo inaasahan biglang magkakaroon ng emergency na di mo maiiwasan. Nung January 2008, habang nagttrabaho ako dito sa Japan ay biglang may napakalungkot na balitang gumising sa akin. Tumawag ang pamangkin ko galing sa pinas na binawian ng buhay ang panganay kong kapatid na babae. Nung narinig ko ang balitang yun hindi ako makapaniwala sa narinig ko, hanggang sa naramdaman ko na totoo na yung balita at agaran akong nagpaalam sa company ko sa Japan para makauwi ng Pilipinas at asikasuhin ang nakatatanda kong kapatid na binawian ng buhay. Nung buwan na yun ay sya rin mismong buwan na kelangan ko magbayad ng lumpsum para sa nakuha kong Condo unit. Kelangan ko mag-issue ng Php 106,000. Nung time na yun, imbes na masiraan ako ng loob, nag-isip agad ako ng paraan kung paano ko ma-cope up yung gastusin sa biglaang pangyayari na yun. Nag-salary loan ako sa company ko sa Manila at yun ang ginamit ko para sa lahat ng gastusin ng kapatid ko. Ang akala ko noon ay di ko na kayang bayaran ang mga hinuhulugan kong investments pero tuloy pa rin, hindi ako nagpatalo sa sitwasyon na yun. Bumalik agad ako sa Japan para ituloy ang project assignment ko at umusad sa gulong ng buhay. Nagsikap ako at nag-ipon para mabayaran ang ni-loan ko sa company at sa awa ng diyos nabayaran ko din naman at bumalik sa normal ang financial status ko na nababayaran ko ng maluwag ang mga investments ko.
Pagkatapos noon, February 2009 nakauwi na ako sa Pilipinas dahil katatapos lang ng project assignment ko sa Japan. May isa na namang emergency ang bumigla sa akin dahil may accute ulcer na pala ang aking ina at biglaang itinakbo sa hospital. Medyo delicate yung naging sakit nya dahil nag-bbleed yung loob ng tiyan nya kaya kinailangan na i-confine sya ng tatlong araw. Nung time na yun, katatapos ko lang din magbayad ng lumpsum na Php 106,000 dahil every January of the year ako nagbabayad para sa kinuha kong condo unit. Medyo kapos na naman ako nung time na yun kaya wala akong ibang naging takbuhan kundi ang mag-salary loan sa company at sumuporta din sa akin ang panganay kong kapatid na lalaki. Sa awa ng diyos ay nairaos din ang problemang iyon at nagamot naman at ligtas ang aking ina. Pagkaraan ng isang buwan, bumalik din agad ako sa Japan para sa panibago na namang project assignment. Nagpapasalamat ako dahil nakikisama ang panahon at yun ang pagkakataon para makabawi at mabayaran ko ang nahiram kong pera sa kumpanya. Sa ngayon, unti-unti nababawasan at mababayaran ko na yung perang nahiram ko at kahit paano nakakaahon na ulit. Pagkatapos ng mga pangyayaring iyon, dalawa ang lessons na natutunan ko.. Una, kailangan talaga naglalaan tayo palagi ng emergency fund na hindi natin ginagalaw para sa mga times na di natin inaasahan ay mayroon tayong mapagkukunan. Pangalawa, hindi tayo dapat umasa sa perang kinikita natin sa sweldo. Dapat nag-iisip pa rin tayo gumawa ng paraan na kumita sa ibang alam nating legal na paraan. Isang malaking challenge sa akin ang karanasan na yun at lalong tumatag ang tiwala ko na sa bawat problema ay may katapat na solusyon basta nagsisikap lang tayo palagi at nagdarasal.
Awa ng diyos, bumalik naman sa normal ang paghuhulog ko ngayon sa mga investments. Pangatlong taon ko nang nagbabayad ng amortization para sa Condo unit na kinuha ko at mai-turn over na sa akin yung unit at title sa February 2011. Makukumpleto ko na rin ang downpayment amount para sa dalawang lote na nakuha ko sa bulacan sa susunod na taon. Kung ihahalintulad natin ang mundo ng investment, para tayong nagpapaaral ng isang kolehiyo na tuluy-tuloy ang hulog mo ng sustento para sa pamasahe at kung iisipin mo naman ang lumpsum ang tuition fee. Nasusubok ang pagiging responsable mo sa pagbabayad at natuto ka din disiplinahin ang sarili mo na sa pagtanggap ng sweldo, may nakalaan ng halaga na itatabi para sa mga investments. Para sa akin, hindi mahalaga kung ano yung mga hirap at pagsubok na naranasan ko kundi kung ano ang mga natutunan ko sa mga karanasan na yun na syang nagbigay ng karagdagang kaalaman sa akin para sa mga susunod pang pagsubok na darating at di inaasahan. (Continuation: Pinoy Self-help Investing No.9)

Develop A Positive Mindset - Part 3

Bo Sanchez - Spiritual preacher and Motivational speaker.

Ralph Marston - See Yourself, The way you see yourself becomes the way you make yourself. How do you see yourself?
If you see yourself as always struggling, you will always struggle. If you see yourself as never getting ahead, you will not get ahead.
Your view of yourself is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Fortunately, you can make that view whatever you wish.
Choose to truly see yourself as effective, creative, patient, disciplined, enthusiastic and abundantly prosperous. See yourself as loving, caring, ever thankful and positive.
Imagine yourself in rich detail to be the kind of person who easily and naturally achieves those very special dreams you treasure most. See yourself living life at its best and most fulfilling.
Each time you think of yourself, see yourself as the best you can imagine. And the reality of your life will be true to your most sincere self-image.

Develop A Positive Mindset - Part 2

Bo Sanchez - Spiritual preacher and Motivational speaker.

Bill FitzPatrick - Maintain A Positive Mental Attitude, A positive mental attitude results from a life dedicated to self-improvement and service. With a personal commitment to doing your best today, you don't have to be overly concerned about tomorrow. You can be confident that good things will happen and be equally confident that if trouble comes you will have the strength and skills to cope, take control and then conquer. You are tough. You stay at it. You don't allow your doubts to destroy your dreams. Hope does spring eternal.
You are thankful to have the curiosity to keep learning. You are grateful to see opportunity knock so often. You are thankful to have the personality to keep making new friends. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time so make that one thought positive. Count your blessings. The way is clear. The world is a better place because you are in it.

Develop A Positive Mindset - Part 1

Bo Sanchez - Spiritual preacher and Motivational speaker.

Ralph Marston - Positive Perspective, Your situation is what it is. Yet your perspective on that situation is whatever you choose for it to be.
You will see what you decide to see. You will experience what you expect to experience.
No one is really a victim of circusmtance. But many are victims of the way they interpret and relate to their circumstances.
Choose to dwell on the positive possibilities. And you'll see abundant opportunities for bringing those possibilities to life.
Don't let yourself get thrown around by random occurences. Be proactive in your optimism and learn to live the real goodness that is in every moment.
Whatever you are faced with, there is so much good and useful value that you can find in it. Live with a positive perspective, and you'll live richly no matter what.

Visualize your dreams

Alvin T. Tabanag - A personal money management coach and a Registered Financial Planner.

Visualize your dreams, Use "visualization" to keep you inspired and always doing what's necessary for you to achieve your goals. It is a powerful technique that will help you succeed. Many outstanding athletes use visualization to improve their performance and make them big winners. They practice their moves in their mind and imagine themselves winning. If it works for them, it should also work for you.
When you visualize, you create a "mental" picture of what you want to happen. In other words, you imagine your dreams coming true. Halimbawa, kung bahay ang iyong pangarap, isipin mo na nasa labas ka ng bago mong bahay, nagrerelax at minamasdan ang ganda nito habang umiinom ng malamig na beer. Find time everyday to visualize your goals; pagkagising sa umaga, bago matulog, habang naliligo, habang nakapila sa terminal ng bus o habang kumakain. (Pero kung may kasama ka, kausapin mo naman para di nya masabi na masungit ka o nawawala ka sa sarili lalo na kung panay ang tingala mo.)
If you have a poor imagination, look for a picture that closely represents your goal and cut it out; it could be a picture of a house, a car, the beach, Disneyland or bundles of cash. Put the picture in a place where you can see it everyday; sa pintuan ng ref, sa salamin ng dresser, sa cubicle or desk mo sa office, sa gilid ng computer screen o sa pintuan ng CR para makita mo during your "very private moments."
Include feelings, sounds and smell in your visualization to make it more effective. Imagine how happy you'll feel when your dream becomes a reality. Isipin mo ang preskong bango ng loob ng bago mong kotse o ang masasayang halakhak ng mga anak mo habang naghahabulan sa bakuran ng bago mong tahanan. The mind is a powerful tool. Half the battle is won in the mind; use it to succeed.

Sweets Business

Go Negosyo Big Time!

Go Negosyo. Advocacy founded by Jose Ma. Concepcion III (RMF Corp.) >> Sweets Business, Passion. Perseverance. Research. - It's a proven formula of success. When you are planning to venture a business, discover and follow your passion. Do it without point of reference but on your own unique way.

Pinoy Self-help Investing No.7

Story of my Investing Adventures - Brilliant Reader

Pinoy Self-help Investing No.7, Bago ko pinasok ang investing sa real-estate at kumuha ng condominium unit sa Megaworld at dalawang residential lot sa Asianland, inassess ko muna yung monthly income ko. Inalam ko kung yung pera ba na ilalagay ko sa investment eh hindi magbibigay ng financial trouble sa akin in a way na baka kulangin yung budget ko sa pang-araw araw na gastos. Nag-compute ako ng monthly income ko less yung possible na ihuhulog ko as amortization sa mga investments. Lumalabas na almost 60% ng income ko eh enough para ilagay sa investment at yung 40% naman eh para sa panggastos ko at suporta sa family ko.
Nung time kasi na kumuha ako ng investment eh tapos ko na pina-aral yung pamangkin kong lalaki. Kaya nung dumating yung opportunity na iyon eh di na ako nagdalawang isip na pasukin ang investment kasi gusto ko rin naman bigyan ng pagkakataon ang sarili ko na makapag-ipon. Tapos na ang responsibility ko sa pagpapa-aral ng pamangkin ko kaya dapat isipin ko rin naman ang future ko. Tulad ng marami sa atin, lumaki ako sa pamilya na hindi pinalad pagdating sa financial aspect ng buhay. Kaya nagsumikap ako na makahanap ng trabaho at kumita ng ipangsusuporta ko sa pamilya ko at sa mga pangangailangan ko. Malamang marami ang nakakarelate sa naging experience ko at kasalukuyan eh nag-iisip na rin kung paano ba nila gagamitin yung perang kinikita nila na hindi darating ang panahon na mauubos rin lang.
Mahalaga talaga na dapat tignan mo kung meron kang steady income kasi yun ang basis para makapag-umpisa ka ng investment. Kapag sinabi mong investment, hindi ito yung one time mo lang huhulugan kundi may certain period of time na kelangan mo punan yung investment mo. Especially sa real-estate, depende sa value ng property o lupa na tingin mo kaya mo hulugan buwan-buwan at kaya mong tapusin bayaran. Ikaw din mismo ang makakapagsabi kung kaya mo o hindi base sa monthly income mo. May mga real-estate investment tulad ng lupa na magd-down ka lang ng Php 10,000 for reservation at maghuhulog ka ng 2,350 buwan buwan hanggang sa makumpleto mo yung pagbabayad ng downpayment. Pagkatapos, i-apply mo sa in-house financing o pwede rin sa bank financing or loan yung natitira mong balance para mapasayo na ang titulo nung lupa na kinuha mo. Maraming mga bangko ang nagbibigay ng financial support para sa ating mga small investors na walang sapat na kakayahan para bayaran ng buo yung price ng property na kinuha natin. Ikaw din ang pipili kung ilang taon ang gusto mo na method ng pagbabayad dun sa loan na kinuha mo. Kung gusto mong mabilis matapos bayaran at tingin mo naman kaya mong magbayad ng mataas na amount eh pwede mo kunin yung 3 years or 5 years lang. Kadalasan pagdating sa mga real-estate property ang range na recommended ay 10 to 15 years para hindi masyadong mabigat ang pagbabayad buwan buwan.
Ngayon, dapat tignan mo rin kung saan mo ba huhugutin yung perang ipambabayad mo sa monthly amortization ng loan na kinuha mo. Katulad ng ginawa ko, para hindi lahat sa monthly salary ko kinukuha yung pambayad ko eh nag-isip at humanap ako ng mga part-time jobs na pwede ako magkaron ng extra-income. Dun naman sa hahanapin mong part-time, dapat ang kukunin mo ay yung hindi malayo sa kakayahan mo o yung tinatawag na naayon sa passion mo. Yung trabaho na kahit napapagod ka eh hindi mo yun iniinda dahil masaya ka na ginagawa mo yun. Ang una kong naging part time job ay ang buy & sell. Dahil sa computers ang skills at line ko at sa Japan ako nagttrabaho eh tumingin ako ng mga second hand laptops na mabibili ko ng mura at pinapadala ko sa contact ko sa pinas na sya namang nagbebenta at dinadagdagan ng konting halaga para kumita. Sa ganong paraan nagkaron ako ng konting kita na pwede ko ipangdagdag sa halagang hinuhulog ko sa mga investments na kinuha ko. (Continuation: Pinoy Self-help Investing No.8)