8 Secrets of the Truly Rich - Chapter 6, Bo Sanchez, gave his insights.
You create your life.
When you choose your thoughts, you choose your psychology.
And when you choose your psychology, you choose your behavior.
And when you choose your behavior, you choose the consequences of that behavior. Which includes wealth, or poverty.
Bottomline, you create your wealth, and you create your poverty.
We do it.
So let me ask you: What kind of thoughts do you have?
Your thoughts have power.
They have power over your body.
They have power over your abilities.
They have power over your life.
What kind of choices have you made in your life?
Some of you might be saying right now, "Okay Bo. I'm going to create my own life starting now".
You got me wrong. You don't get it. This is an absolute law. You've been creating your life a long, long time ago. Even if you didn't know you were doing it. By the choices that you made in the past (even the choice of not choosing), you were creating your life.
You are where you are right now because of the choices you've made.
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