Embody Integrity

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.32 >> Embody Integrity, You are proud, strong, friendly, generous and successful. Many will seek your counsel. People will depend on you. Have faith and a belief in your cause. Know that you will fight for and what you won't. Do not compromise what is right. Stick to your convictions and principles as you allow your ethical values to direct your decision-making. Integrity goes beyond self-interest to moral courage. Lying only leads to more lying.
Keep your promises. Fulfill your commitments. People want to know where you stand and for what you stand. People respect honesty and sincerity, but hate hypocrisy. Be consistent. Speak in clear precise facts. Be sure your words match your deeds. Do what you say and your credibility builds. You cannot speak stronger words than, "I give you my word".

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