Applaud the Beginner

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.20 >> Applaud the Beginner, You walk into a karate school for a first visit and see kicking, punching, blocking, chopping and flipping. It can be intimidating if you've never done these things. Or, you may look and feel awkward learning to snow ski or rollerblade or taking a foreign language. But persist; this is your first day and there will never be another first day.
Any new endeavor may be tough in the beginning. Accept this. You must believe in yourself. Initially, critics may feel free to ridicule your ideas and goals as foolish and unrealistic. When you ultimately succeed, everyone will claim to have been on your team from the beginning. Take action and persist. Applaud those who try, because the first step is often the toughest. Welcome the newcomer.

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