Christmas Countdown

Christmas Time - Week 6 Special

The Essence of Christmas, The essence of Christmas is sharing and giving. For many people, there's what we call celebration where everyone's busy with parties and other social gatherings. For others, they can't feel the essence of Christmas without this spree.
But wait... Let us reflect and ask ourselves... Is that all what it takes to have a joyful Christmas? Celebration isn't bad; however, Christmas reminds us of God's love... so much love that He gave His only Son to save us. He gave all that He could to show us the reason to live. Let us treasure our lives and everyone else.
As we celebrate this season, as we eat and drink, as we savor the happiness being together with our loved ones, let us not forget that there are many parents today whose tears unnoticeably drop from their weary eyes while watching their children eating less or even nothing. Let us not forget that as we buy toys and new outfit for our children, there are children who need to be clothed and cared of. Let us not forget that as we bond together in the family, there are broken homes that need to be prayed for. These thoughts are what we call LOVE. Let's, therefore, give love not just this season but for as long as we live. Let's nurture that passion to love for without it, it is impossible to give and share. Let us also thank God for everything.

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