Stop the Blame

Bo Sanchez - Take charge and be responsible.

8 Secrets of the Truly Rich - Chapter 2, Permanently poor people blame their poverty on everything else but themseleves.
Stop Blaming the Government for your Poverty, as narrated by Bo Sanchez, One day, I was talking to a friend of mine. Over a cup of coffee, he blurted out in exasperation to me, "Brother Bo, do you know why I'm poor?" He didn't wait for my answer. He said, "It's our (blip) government! From the (blip) policeman on the street to the (blip) President of the Philippines, they're all (blip) corrupt. This (blip) country is going to the dogs because we're being run by a bunch of (blip) thieves!"
If he'd stop cursing, we'd shorten our conversations by half.
But I needed to correct a graver mistake.
I said, "Is that the reason why you're poor?"
"Of course!" his nostrils flared, "I hate those (bilp) politicians!"
"Then can you explain to me why your next-door neighbor Henry is getting richer no matter who sits in Malacanang? In the past three presidencies, your neighbor built one small business after another. Did he have a different set of presidents, a different set of senators and congressmen than you had?"
My friend was caught off-guard. For a moment he just stared at me, not knowing what hit him.
He was probably used to people agreeing with him all the time, even joining him in talking about the muck and grime of our politicians.
Well, I think that's a total waste of my energy.
Personally, I'd rather go to work, build businesses, create jobs and bless the world - than sit around cursing the government. Anyone can curse the dark. But it takes a special person to light a small candle in that darkness.

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