Communicate with Ease

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.51>> Communicate with Ease, Can you talk your way out of most tough situations? Can you talk your way through to decision makers to build up your sales? Can you talk to the media and garner positive press for your business? Can you talk to 500 people and win converts to your cause or position?
Being an effective communicator can take you a long way and is a skill worth developing. Be yourself. Believe in your own words. It doesn't matter if you are talking to one person or one thousand. If you want people to like what you say, persuade with modesty and build your audience up. Listen to good communicators and model yourself after them. How do good interviewers ask questions? How do good public speakers work? How do good salespeople sell? To communicate well, you can't get stuck on transmit. Pause before you speak. You must listen and speak with purpose. Get to the point. Create interest with visual aids. Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them. Sit down.
Don't let technology leave you behind. Learn to communicate via e-mail and the Internet.

You Create Your Own Experience

Phillip C. McGraw - Author of No. 1 New York Times Bestsellers.

You Create Your Own Experience, Your Strategy: Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating the results that are your life. Learn how to choose better so you have better.
The law is simple: you are accountable for your life, Good or bad, successful or unsuccessful, happy or sad, fair or unfair, you own your life.
You are now accountable; you have always been accountable; you will always be accountable. That is how it is. That may be not how you want it to be, but that is how it is.
Please understand: I am not talking about this as a "general proposition." I am not presenting this as a theory. I'm telling you that you create the results in your life, not some of the time, but all of the time.
If you don't like your job, you are accountable. If your relationships are on the rocks, you are accountable. If you are overweight, you are accountable. If you don't trust members of the opposite sex, you are accountable. If you are not happy, you are accountable. Whatever your life circumstance is, accepting this law means that you can no longer dodge responsibility for how and why our life is the way it is. "lip service" to being accountable by saying, "Okay, I'm accountable."
Let me tell you why this is so important. If you don't accept accountability, you will misdiagnose every problem you have. If you misdiagnose, you will mistreat. If you mistreat, things won't get better, plain and simple. Even if you think there can't possibly be a link between your problems and yourself, assume I'm right and keep digging for your role in the problems. It is there, I promise you. Trust me.
Since this law is absolute truth - since it is how the world works, like it or not - then your resisting or denying this law keeps you stuck in the realm of fantasy. By convincing yourself that you are a victim, you are guaranteed to have no progress, no healing, and no victory. Your flight from responsibility will prevent you from taking the bit in your teeth and going to work on controlling your life. If you truly want change, and you truly acknowledge that you create your own experience, then you must analyze what you've done or haven't done to create the undesirable results.

Positive Mental Attitude

Jeffrey Gitomer - A Motivator.

Positive Advantage by Ralph Marson, Put your energy where it will do the most good. Put your energy into those things you can do right now to make a difference.
Worry will get you nowhere and will drain the value out of your moments.
Achieving the status of victim is not an achievement worth having.
Instead, take the challenges and use them to positive advantage. With the very real power of your thoughts, bend your life's energy so that it flows ever forward.
There is enough time and there are plenty of resources for creating true greatness on your own terms. Fully feel the possibilities and bring them steadily to life.
Make thankful use of what you have when you have it. Focus what is, through your imagination, into the best of what you know you can be.
See the immense value of who you are and what you have right now. Transform that value into a living expression now, and it will always be with you.

Venture Outside The Box

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.50>> Venture Outside The Box, It would be nice if there were logical step-by-step instructions for every step on your success journey. But, there aren't. You learn from your own experiences and by studying the experiences of others, and then you often have to find your own way. To find an answer, you may have to go outside the box.
If all graphic designers are offering computer-generated work, maybe your niche is hand drawing. If all your day care center competitors are strict about pick-up times, maybe your niche is to be flexible. If none of the other landlords in your area allow pets, maybe you do. Being a little different can be profitable.
If you can't earn a degree full time, perhaps you can take evening or correspondence or on-line courses. If you are worried about starting a business, you can consider buying an existing business or a franchise. If you can't exercise because you have to baby-sit, how about taking the kids for a walk or run with you? Don't give up. At times, you may have to improvise and be creative. Quitting or not trying isn't an option.

Doing Your Best

Jeffrey Gitomer - A Motivator.

Feel Encouraged by Ralph Marson, The world will not always offer you encouragement. Often you must supply your own.
Many times you'll have good reason to feel sorry for yourself. Yet you can just easily choose to feel encouraged about yourself.
Reach deep inside and find the goodness that is always there, the goodness you may have forgotten about. Feel the positive purpose that nothing can take away from you.
You are worthy and relevant, effective and capable of the very best. Remind yourself often.
Keep in mind that every disappointment is temporary. Every frustration can be overcome.
There is every reason to persist, to endure and to move forward with the most positive of expectations. Because deep within, you know you can.

Fighting Body Pollution

Paul Kramer- a Registered Nutritional Consultant. Author of the book "Fighting Body Pollution".

Fighting Body Pollution, It seems that not a day goes by without seeing some negative story in the newspaper or on television regarding our environment. Global warming, air and water pollution, the thinning ozone layer…the list goes on. As a nutritionist, I can’t help wondering what this is doing to our health. How could environmental pollution damage the earth without damaging us as well? The effect of the environment on our health really hit me on a trip to Asia when I noticed more than half the people walking or cycling the streets wearing face masks to protect themselves from dirty air. Thankfully I live in Canada, I thought. Then I learned that air pollution can travel from Asia in North America in 3 days – not much longer than it took me to fly home!
The truth is that every living thing on the planet is affected by the environment, and none more than we are. How can we protect ourselves from the damage of environmental pollution that enters our bodies – what I call body pollution? What steps can we take to maintain or improve our health in today’s polluted world?

The results will come

Ralph Marston - Author of The Daily Motivator.

The results will come, Though each effort does not bring an immediate result, keep going. The results will come.
Every achievement requires many efforts. Those individual efforts combine with each other to bring the desired result.
So keep going. Keep adding one effort on top of the ones before it.
And all the while, learn. Learn what works and what does not, and adjust your efforts to become even more effective.
Keep going, keep learning, keep working and keep getting better. Every day, every effort brings you closer.
Persistence is the way you prove you really want it. Persist, and you will have it.