Phillip C. McGraw - Author of No. 1 New York Times Bestsellers.
You Create Your Own Experience, Your Strategy: Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating the results that are your life. Learn how to choose better so you have better.
The law is simple: you are accountable for your life, Good or bad, successful or unsuccessful, happy or sad, fair or unfair, you own your life.
You are now accountable; you have always been accountable; you will always be accountable. That is how it is. That may be not how you want it to be, but that is how it is.
Please understand: I am not talking about this as a "general proposition." I am not presenting this as a theory. I'm telling you that you create the results in your life, not some of the time, but all of the time.
If you don't like your job, you are accountable. If your relationships are on the rocks, you are accountable. If you are overweight, you are accountable. If you don't trust members of the opposite sex, you are accountable. If you are not happy, you are accountable. Whatever your life circumstance is, accepting this law means that you can no longer dodge responsibility for how and why our life is the way it is. "lip service" to being accountable by saying, "Okay, I'm accountable."
Let me tell you why this is so important. If you don't accept accountability, you will misdiagnose every problem you have. If you misdiagnose, you will mistreat. If you mistreat, things won't get better, plain and simple. Even if you think there can't possibly be a link between your problems and yourself, assume I'm right and keep digging for your role in the problems. It is there, I promise you. Trust me.
Since this law is absolute truth - since it is how the world works, like it or not - then your resisting or denying this law keeps you stuck in the realm of fantasy. By convincing yourself that you are a victim, you are guaranteed to have no progress, no healing, and no victory. Your flight from responsibility will prevent you from taking the bit in your teeth and going to work on controlling your life. If you truly want change, and you truly acknowledge that you create your own experience, then you must analyze what you've done or haven't done to create the undesirable results.