Be Prudent

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.44>> Be Prudent, Just because you deserve victory doesn't mean that you will win every fight, game or argument. Someone else may have the tactical advantage. Have the self-confidence to know when not to fight. Perhaps the smartest course of action is to retreat and reflect upon your options. Can you return to the challenge on another day better equipped, more experienced and stronger?
The non-action of the wise man is not inaction. It is not studied. It is not shaken by anything. The heart of the wise man is tranquil. It is the mirror of heaven and earth... emptiness, stillness and tranquility. Wise men don't fight each other.

Bring excellence to life

Ralph Marston - Author of The Daily Motivator.

Bring excellence to life, You cannot achieve excellence just by proclaiming it to be. Excellence is built in the details.
Attend faithfully and competently to the details, while staying true to your purpose. That is how to bring excellence into your world.
What is done with genuine love is done with excellence. Let love guide you in each moment, and you will consistently create excellence.
Excellence resonates with what is true, what is good and authentically valuable, with what is right. Work with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to truth, and excellence will permeate the results.
Intention is critical, yet excellence does not come from good intentions alone. Excellence comes from actions persistently and consistently guided by the highest and most authentic intentions.
In each thing you do is the opportunity to create excellence. Again and again, bring excellence to life, and live true to your highest purpose.

Solving Money Problems Makes You Smarter

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

Solving Money Problems Makes You Smarter, When I was a young boy, rich dad said to me, "Money problems make you smarter... if you solve the problem." He also said, "If you solve your money problem, your financial intelligence grows. When your financial intelligence grows, you become richer. If you do not solve your money problem, that problem often grows into more problems." If you want to increase your financial intelligence, you need to be a problem solver. If you don't solve your money problems you will never be rich. In fact, you will become poorer the longer the problem persists.
Rich Dad used the example of having a toothache to illustrate what he meant by a problem leading to other problems. He said, "Having a money problem is like having a toothache. If you do not handle the toothache, the toothache makes you feel bad. If you feel bad, you may not do well at work because you are irritable. Not fixing the toothache can lead to further medical complications because it is easy for germs to breed and spread from your mouth. One day you lose your job because you have been missing work due to your chronic illness. Without a job, you cannot pay your rent. If you fail to solve the problem of rent money, you are on the street, homeless, in poor health, eating out of garbage cans, and you still have the toothache."

Demonstrate Your Love

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.43>> Demonstrate Your Love, From the Bible, we learn that love is patient and kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude; it is not self-seeking; it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. It is responsibility and a willingness to work out problems.
Love is too wonderful and too powerful to be kept bottled up. Let it out with your smiles, your voice, your manner, your enthusiasm and your continuing acts of kindness. For love, you can risk being vulnerable.
When you find love, cherish and safeguard it. A loving marriage and family is worth all your efforts.

Is There an End to the Storm?

Harold J. Sala - A well-known speaker

Is There an End to the Storm, Tough times pass, but tough people - those who are focused on what God says about our lives - endure.
Such a man was the prophet Jeremiah. His beloved country, Israel, was about to be overthrown by Babylon. Jeremiah had to announce this prophecy, a message that was denounced as "unpatriotic and traitorous."
Yes Jeremiah looked beyond the external events and heard the voice of God. Yes, Israel would go into captivity for seventy years. But God promised restoration. "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11).
So certain was Jeremiah that God would keep His word, that he bought a piece of property that lay in default, burying the title deed in a jar so that when the troubles had passed, he could come back and claim the property (see Jeremiah 32).
Your life may seem like a catastrophe, but the story is not yet finished. You can lean on God and say, "I trust You Lord, so please walk with me today."

Christmas in our hearts

Christmas in our hearts - Jose Mari Chan

Christmas countdown, Christmas is a very special moment to all of us. Loveones who are working abroad make sure that they could go home to celebrate and be with their families. It is the spirit of Christmas that bind our hearts together.

What You Believe Makes a Difference

Harold J. Sala - A well-known speaker

What You Believe Makes a Difference, Unlike employers who make promises and don't keep them, or friends who forget what they tell you, God is never remiss on coming through with what He says He will do. Our faith in Him is founded on His character. Because people fail us, we often bring God down to their level, wondering if He really can be trusted as well. We forget the times when He has met us in the past.
Your earthly father may not be trustworthy, but your heavenly Father is. The Bible puts it pointedly: "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"
(Numbers 23:19) And the obvious answer is, "No!"
The Quaker scholar David Elton Trueblood put it well when he said, "Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation." Believing is important, but trusting is what brings the promises into our lives and our families. Real faith includes both.

Solving Other People's Financial Problems

Robert Kiyosaki - International Bestselling Author

Solving Other People's Financial Problems, Rich dad also said, "Many people work for rich people, solving rich people's money problems." For example, an accountant goes to work to count the rich person's money. The salesperson sells the rich person's products. The office manager manages the rich person's business. The secretary answers the rich person's phones and treats the rich person's customers respectfully. The maintenance man keeps the rich person's building and machines running smoothly. A lawyer protects the rich person from other lawyers and lawsuits. A CPA protects the rich person's money from taxes. And the banker keeps the rich person's money safe.
What rich dad was getting at was that most people work at solving other people's money problems. But who solves the worker's money problems? Most people go home and are faced with many problems, money being one of them. If a person fails to handle his or her money problems at home, the problem, like a toothache, leads to other problems.
Many of the poor and middle class work for the rich and then fail to solve their own money problems at home. Instead of looking at financial problems as opportunities to get smarter, they go home, sit in the lawn chair, have a drink, put a steak on the grill, and watch TV. The next morning, they return to work once again solving someone else's problems and making someone else richer.

Practice Forgiveness

Bill FitzPatrick - Founder of the "American Success Institute".

Action Principle No.42>> Practice Forgiveness, Anger, hatred, bitterness, resentments and thoughts of revenge are heavy weights that slow a person down. Allowed to fester, these negative feelings can consume increasingly larger portions of your life. LIberate yourself. Let it go. The forgiving person is always stronger. Be like the rock in the stream and let the thoughts of revenge flow by you.
As a person of action, improving yourself and helping others, you will make lots of mistakes. You will do foolish things. Learn the lesson.
You practice forgiveness for yourself. Consider those whom you may have offended or injured and ask for their forgiveness. Can you say, "I'm sorry and I apologize if I offended you."? If you ask and your request is rejected, you have lightened your burden in trying. Continue to encourage efforts at reconciliation.